> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brett Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: lundi 29 août 2005 03:53
> To: Maven Developers List
> Subject: Re: [m2] Retrieving test dependencies in junit tests?
> We had an open issue for this and decided to push it off for now. In our
> use case, there isn't really a good way for m2 to propogate information
> to JUnit without some intervening tool library, or system properties
> which are obviously limited.
> The problem with knowing the local repository location is that you must
> also know the path structure. While I don't envisage this changing from
> the new format any time soon it'd be good to be able to have that freedom.
> The preferred way would be to use ${localRepository} in a plugin and get
> localRepository.pathOf( artifact ).

I find it a bit awkward to have to develop a plugin and to host it alongside
project sources. Actually I've never seen this done so far probably for the
reason that anytime there was a need it found its way into m2 proper.
> That said, we are currently setting and using the system property
> ${maven.repo.local} in unit tests for modello. I'd considered that an
> "undocumented" feature (as in deliberately undocument, unlike most of
> the features which we intend to document :)

I don't understand why you mention modello. If you're setting the property
in the model unit tests then how do you get the value in the first place?

I've tried doing a System.getProperty( "maven.repo.local" ) in my unit test
and it returns null. So I'm not sure it is set anywhere in m2.

Is the local repo available as property in the POM? If so, I could use it
and pass it to surefire using a system property?


> Vincent Massol wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I'm continuing my quest to convert the m1 Cargo build into m2. Thanks to
> >John and his implementation for inheriting properties I have now reached
> the
> >next level.
> >
> >The Cargo functional test subprojects depend on some other subprojects
> which
> >produce J2EE modules (WAR, EAR, etc).  Those are used for testing
> deployment
> >to a container.
> >
> >Thus, I need to get the file path of those dependencies from within a
> JUnit
> >TestCase class. How can I implement this?
> >
> >In m1, the way I had implemented it was a bit hacky:
> >- There was a property: cargo.testdata.dir =
> >${maven.repo.local}/${pom.groupId}
> >- The path to the J2EE module in the local repository was computed within
> >the TestCase
> >
> >Is there a property pointing to the local repo location that I could use
> in
> >the pom.xml file (same as ${maven.repo.local} is used in m1)?
> >
> >Obviously I'd rather not have to write a plugin for such a use case... I
> >think there's a potential need to gather all kind of information about
> the
> >POM in a JUnit TestCase and it might be interesting to implement this in
> a
> >generic way. WDYT?
> >
> >Thanks
> >-Vincent

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