On Mon, Aug 29, 2005 at 11:25:45AM +0200, Vincent Massol wrote:


> > That said, we are currently setting and using the system property
> > ${maven.repo.local} in unit tests for modello. I'd considered that an
> > "undocumented" feature (as in deliberately undocument, unlike most of
> > the features which we intend to document :)
> I don't understand why you mention modello. If you're setting the property
> in the model unit tests then how do you get the value in the first place?
> I've tried doing a System.getProperty( "maven.repo.local" ) in my unit test
> and it returns null. So I'm not sure it is set anywhere in m2.
> Is the local repo available as property in the POM? If so, I could use it
> and pass it to surefire using a system property?

I'm pretty sure that he was refering to the Modello build itself where we
generate source code and use the Plexus compilers to compile the generated
sources and test them[1]. Now I just realized that we're not doing that
anymore, but I think we used to set that property there.

Anyway, the Modello build show how we're using the local repository and
the Maven components to get access to artifacts in the repository.




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