On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, [ISO-8859-1] Trygve Laugstøl wrote:

> Brett Porter wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Now that 2.0 is getting close to rolling out, I wanted to open the floor
> > for discussion about how we will manage the code going forward. We have
> > a lot more freedom to do things better now that we're no longer
> > bootstrapping ourselves.
> >
> > Here are some areas to think about:
> > - having a 2.1 trunk and 2.0.1 branch (or vice versa, or neither)
> I'd prefer for 2.1 as trunk and 2.0.x as a branch.

Me too. And 2.0.x always being for ONE version only. Perhaps we could
just tag 2.0.1, 2.0.2 etc, and copy that into a branch when bugfixes are
needed. So, when bugs are discovered in 2.0, we copy the 2.0 tag to
2.0.1-SNAPSHOT branch, then work on that. When 2.0.1 is released (and
tagged) we rename the 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT branch to 2.0.2-SNAPSHOT. That way
you can more clearly see what version we're currently bugfixing (instead
of 2.0.x).

> > - whether to mark versions as -alpha, -beta along the way, or only label
> > releases at those points (for 2.1 only on this)
> I like 2.1-SNAPSHOT over 2.1-alpha-SNAPSHOT.

I think the 2.1-SNAPSHOT is confusing; is that used before or after -alpha
is released? Maybe the ordering should be 2.1-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT,
2.1-alpha-1, 2.1.

+1 on -alpha/-beta for 2.x releases and not for 2.x.y releases.

> > - ensuring plugins remain compatible with 2.0.

.. unless they require features not present in 2.1.

Maybe more importantly:

- ensuring (2.0) plugins remain compatible with 2.1 ?

> > - segregation of the SVN tree to mirror our release process (some
> > thoughts in jira on this - essentially making archetypes, plugins and
> > the sandbox separate to to the main tree)
> Separate trunk, tags and branches makes the most sense to me as they
> have their own lifecycle.

Just so I understand:

 archetypes/(branches|tags|trunk)/  (?? doesn't seem this is an important
enough part of m2 as of yet to split off.. but logicially it is).
 sandbox/  <-- since this is a playground no tagging/branching needed

> > - how to manage versioning of plugins in JIRA
> Separate projects like with the Maven 1 projects. Seems to have worked
> out fine after the initial workload of setting up all the projects.

Is there no way to have sub-projects in jira? Making everything flat make
sit really hard to manage. I would like to see

 * maven2
 |- plugins
 |- core
 |- archetypes
 |- website/doco

in Jira, but I guess this is impossible..

-- Kenney

> --
> Trygve
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Kenney Westerhof
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