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I think the important considerations are to preserve the committer
access that we have in mojo. That is, make sure it's not a major burder
to commit a new commons(?) API/project when you're a mojo committer...

Aside from that, we have to also consider the day when we'll be able to
replace all kinds of components in Maven. I'm thinking specifically of
alternate repository layouts, artifact resolvers, project builders, etc.
These need a home, and while they may not need the same accessibility as
the mojo-support libs, they need to be outside the release cycle of the
main maven core. Maybe some sort of maven-commons top-level project or

~From typing this, I can see that it's likely I'm talking about two
different things. Mojo-supporting libraries, which should reside in one
umbrella project (akin to mojo.codehaus.org, or maybe within it?); and
alternate Maven components to replace the default implementations in the
core, which may reside in a new top-level project within the Maven SVN
at apache...

- -john

Jesse McConnell wrote:
| how about in mojo as a mojo-util project that can be used as a
dependency by
| whatever plugins exist in mojo?
| or it might make since to make a straight out mojo-core project that we
| could put wrappers on things that are used all over the place like those
| stale source scanners that I have in most of my plugins...
| could be potentially useful for custom plugins to use as dependencies as
| well
| jesse
| On 10/31/05, John Casey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Hi all,
| I have developed a few tools projects that I'm using to support multiple
| plugins, etc. I wanted to add the plugins to the mojo project, but I'm
| unsure of the proper place for these supporting projects.
| I'm not really inclined to add this type of project to the main maven
| project, since it really has very little to do with Maven itself, except
| tangentially. Besides, these sorts of projects should be available for
| development by the same group that maintains the mojo project, where the
| plugins themselves will eventually land.
| Specifically, the two projects I've developed are a RPM name-formatter
| utility and an Ant-task convenience API (sets up and manages the Project
| /Target instance used to programmatically use Ant tasks). The latter was
| factored out of the antrun plugin, and I'd like to eventually re-merge
| them, with the antrun plugin using the antcall (new) API...but that's up
| to Kenney. :) The RPM-naming utility is also used by an RPM artifact
| resolver, which I'm *really* unsure where to park.
| At any rate, I believe this problem isn't going to go away, and we need
| to address the question of supporting projects for mojos and other maven
| components. For this last item (components), it might not even make
| sense to house these projects in the
| Ideas?
| Thanks,
| -john

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| jesse mcconnell
| jesseDOTmcconnellATgmailDOTcom

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