Would surefire or doxia ever be used outside of the Maven2 world? I can actually see doxia being used elsewhere, but would surefire? Having some set of code that Maven uses over on Codehaus, when it is all developed by Maven committers and tightly intertwined seems odd.

If there isn't a good licensing reason/access reason like what prompted maven-plugins.sf.net to be created, then I'd like to see it all stay on the Apache infrastructure. Basically it feels to me like Maven should be either an Apache project, and done there, or a Codehaus project and done there, versus straddling the two.

Projects like doxia and surefire (along with wagon and scm) should all be treated the same, under the Maven umbrella.

Eric Pugh

On Nov 1, 2005, at 7:10 AM, Kenney Westerhof wrote:

On Tue, 1 Nov 2005, Brett Porter wrote:


I believe these projects are not technically maven related, and hence do
not require to be in the m2 repository. It would be the same as moving
classworlds to maven2, except we know classworlds is also used by other projects. To promote usage of these components without requiring maven2 I
believe it's best to leave them on a separate repository. This also
reduces 'hacking' those projects to create special maven2 shortcuts.

Also when people are using it in mojo projects (especially doxia, when the
site plugin is moved to mojo someday, as I believe are the plans),
it will be harder to give them commit access if these libs are hosted at

-- Kenney


Doxia and Surefire were small projects started at Codehaus to experiment
with new technology that has since been used from Maven 2.0.

With one recent exception the committer set are entirely Maven committers.

Doxia is the underpinnings of the site plugin, and is used to generate
documents via a sink using various input formats.

Surefire is a test runner, used to run junit tests in Maven.

Since the code is our own work, it is easy to bring here, and the
development can be more easily worked with alongside the primary uses
and discussion can happen in one place.

What do others think?

- Brett

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Kenney Westerhof
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