On 1/10/06, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> there's two paths to take here - put it with the users to define
> multiple executions (this can be done with reportSets if it is part of
> the reporting section), or allow multiple doclets to be given in the
> javadoc configuration and do the rerun there.
> Since different doclets probably change other options, I'm inclined to
> go with the first.

I agree.  So I tried the <reporting> section, adding this:

The maven-model page says that the reports will be run when the user
executes 'maven site'. (so does that apply to m2?)

With 'mvn site', nothing Javadoc-related happens at all, just the
usual 'project info' type reports.  I do have a site.xml file with
${reporting} in it.  Do I have to add something somewhere else?


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