Piotr Bzdyl wrote:

I agree with the author about dependency management and transitional dependency handling. I don't know why Maven 2 includes all optional dependencies by default. Why must I care what all possible features hibernate has and exclude all unneeded libraries? IMHO I should just include what I need for my project (I would like to not think about that Hibernate adds new cache implementation and lists it as another optional dependency. Hibernate is just an example). I also noticed that I have the same or even more exclusions than dependencies.

something below hibernate3.1 pulls in junit3.7, which really annoyed me when I tracked it down.

But whose fault is that? it is that of whoever wrote the dependency that hibernate itself depends on.

The ability to play with <exclusions> makes it possible for you to work around stuff. At the same time, the ability to do time-critical workarounds to

I think I'd also like a global set of exclusions, telling apps not to do anything related to xml parsers unless I ask for it by hand.

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