Jason van Zyl wrote:

I was just looking at the wiki for the 2.1 design stuff and was wondering if we could use a common format for each issue? I was thinking that we may borrow from a Pattern Language and for each issue have a Context, Problem, Solution, and maybe Implementation Details. So for something like having selectable project builders based on version:

Not sure if it's apropriate for us, but Python has a similar mechanism called Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs)[1]. They don't have the same layout for all the requests, but they have a set of states for each proposal.

I think this is a process that should outlive Maven 2.1 and should cover all parts of The Maven Project (where Maven the Tool is one sub-project).

Just might be worth taking a look at for ideas.

[1]: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/


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