
I was wondering if the <plugin><extensions>true couldn't be auto-detected
by maven by looking at the components.xml in the plugin's jar or something
similar, or wheter it could on by default.

It seems that when a plugin defines packaging/lifecycle extensions and you
do not specify <extensions>true</extensions> you get a
ComponentLookupException (Error looking up lifecycle mapping ...).

I haven't looked at the code yet but I'm wondering why this manual step is
necessary. The project model descriptor says it's disabled by default for
performance reasons. I don't understand why this can have a performance
impact, since maven-core also defines lifecycle mappings, and a plugin's
components.xml is processed anyway (again, I haven't looked at the code).

Btw, what's happened to the idea of having a discussion queue of 5 items
for design issues?

-- Kenney

Kenney Westerhof
GPG public key: http://www.gods.nl/~forge/kenneyw.key

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