Hi (again),

From reviewing the threads, I found the following things to still be a bit up in the air so thought there should be further discussion:

1) should we drop the standard reports from the maven site?

Tim and John C seemed to think so (if I understand John's stand), among others (Brian Wallace, IIRC). I imagine they get replaced by hand crafter equivalents.

I think the generated approach (possibly with extra comment) still has merit, so what about we hand craft it until we have what we think is right, and then automate that?

2) JIRA & documentation

Can anyone explain what the documentation version is for?

What do others think about merging the documentation categories for now, since we seem to agree this isn't the right breakdown of docs? (I saw a couple of dupes when I surfed across categories, but none within a single one). This gives a more managable task list.

3) What is the role of the wiki?

Wendy made some very good points about the accessibility of the wiki for getting doc contributions, which I think is worth exploring, especially since we can automatically bring it into the site.

However, it comes with the downside that it can be less thoroughly reviewed and sometimes unstructured unless the person is really putting some extra effort in.

So I think we have some alternatives:
- use the wiki for everything, auto generate site
- use the wiki for a specified section of the site, autogenerate (and perhaps mark as being contributed)
- use the wiki as a holding area for new doc contributions

I'd go with a combo of the last 2. I think the cookbooks section should have 2 parts - an apt/etc part and a contributed part autogenerated from the wiki using Wendy's proposal (and possibly doing the same per plugin)

I'm in favour of using APT/local confluence markup for the main, verified part of the site (would want an easy way to convert confluence to APT, though).

Thoughts on these?

- Brett

Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Apache Maven - http://maven.apache.org/
Better Builds with Maven - http://library.mergere.com/

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