Gatekeeper: specifically from "Hardboiled Wonderland and the end of the World" where the Gatekeeper kept the good in and the bad out. Very intolerant, no compromise with respect to integrity: he would just lop your head off.

Nexus: A specialized area of a cellular membrane that helps cells to communicate. The center or focus of something. A connection or link associating two or more people or things.

Expedio: clarity in latin

Apollo: greek god of order and harmony

Brahman: hindu word for everything in the universe but more then the sum of everything


Other words that come to mind are transparency, focus, order. That's my five minute naming session. Something else may come to mind. But I don't really like Janitor or French equivalent.

On 31 Jul 06, at 3:36 AM 31 Jul 06, Brett Porter wrote:


I was considering starting a vote for setting up separate discussion lists for the repository manager and was pondering what to call them. [EMAIL PROTECTED] seems just a bit too long.

All the other parts - Continuum, Wagon, Doxia, Surefire, Archetypes - have a more interesting name (ok, so SCM is an exception). I wonder, should we give the repository manager a real name?

Any thoughts?

If folks are happy to stick with "Maven Repository Manager", are there any preferences for whether the lists should be "mrm-*", "repoman-*", "repository-manager-*", or something else?

- Brett

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Jason van Zyl

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