
I'm sending this here as folks developing Maven projects probably all subscribe here.

On the PMC list we've talked about setting up a sandbox that all Apache committers would have access to so that experimentation with Maven projects can happen easily.

Case in point: Jeremy and Edwin are working on a new feature in Continuum so we setup a branch for them to work on as the are both Apache committers, both have CLAs on file so we just gave them access.

Now for this feature we also need some work done on the release plugin which Jeremy is also working on. So instead of doing one offs every time we want to allow people to experiment or collaborate with one another we came up with the idea of creating a sandbox that any Apache committer can work in. John asked that we air this idea on the dev list.

I don't think there is any downside as it makes it easier for folks to work on Maven and contribute. We already have a sandbox so we could just open the perms on that. It's a free for all in there anyway. If we find that we have so many contributors and need sandboxes for each project then we can do that in the future but for now I think opening the perms on the sandbox would be a fine start.


Jason van Zyl

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