Does this cover the whole topic? +Documents

I think it's all good - as long as it is all built on top of the stuff we already have (including what Joakim is proposing). It will probably require changes to many aspects of Maven (packaging, dependency resolution, deployment and release). It will also touch on Continuum and Archiva, I imagine.

Is this right?

- Brett

On 14/12/2006, at 2:46 PM, Jason van Zyl wrote:

Hi Dan,

I think what you are describing is what you do at your work place, and I think it might be good if you could give us a full description of your system for folks here to help them understand exactly what it is you're talking about. I probably know a little more about it then most here but I still don't entirely grok the workflow you're describing. Maybe some simple examples of how artifacts names would change through the workflow you're describing versus our current approach would be helpful. Anything that makes releases easier is a good thing.



On 13 Dec 06, at 10:11 PM 13 Dec 06, Dan Fabulich wrote:

Thanks for a great e-mail Joakim.  I wanted to chime in with my two

(I've been off the radar for a couple of months while waiting for
permission to sign my ICLA; it's in now, and I'm now back to paying more
careful attention to this process... forgive me if some of this has
already been covered.)

One of the goals I know we've expressed before (but not explicitly
listed here) is that Maven's release process should "lead by example": other projects (whether open-source or closed-source) who haven't put as much thought into release engineering as we have should look to us as an
example of the "right way to do it".

IMO, the requirements around "SNAPSHOT" releases is an important
difference between open-source requirements for the release process and
closed-source requirements...  In this e-mail I want to describe an
alternative release process (overlapping with the one Joakim described)
that never uses "SNAPSHOT" and which is more appropriate to some
organizations, perhaps especially closed-source ones.

I think we all agree that it's "bad" (at least a little bit) to change
things at the last minute before release (whether it be source code,
binaries, or even your build process); one goal of the updated release process is that we should make as few last-minute changes as possible,
and, to the greatest extent possible, "bless binaries".

But so long as you have the word "SNAPSHOT" embedded into your JARs
during development, you'll have to change *something* at the last
second, if only to remove the word "SNAPSHOT".

There is another way, which is better for at least some groups some of
the time.  If you never used "SNAPSHOT", but Maven enforced a
requirement that all JARs would have build numbers embedded in them (not appearing in the file name, but appearing in JAR and in the
deployed POM), then the release process could be as little as copying
the JARs into the right place and updating some metadata to call them

Here's another way of saying the same thing. The release process Joakim
described goes like this:

       a) Call vote
       b) Wait on approval.
       c) Collect release information.
       c) 'prepare' release (occurs once)
       d) 'stage' release (occurs 1 or more times)
       e) Wait on consensus from PMC for blessed artifacts.
       f) 'bless' release (occurs once)

As this is described, it sounds as if projects would normally spend
extremely little time in step D, "stage".  But if Maven provided more
complete build numbering support for non-SNAPSHOT builds, you could
imagine the project spending their entire development life in step D.
After step E a decision was made to release, in step F the blessing
would occur, and development would immediately begin on 1.1 in step D...
no period of time spent in "SNAPSHOT", so you wouldn't need to modify
your code ("prepare") right before release.

Although I've highlighted one big advantage of not marking code under
development as "SNAPSHOT", the most significant disadvantage of doing it
this way is that end users might confuse "SNAPSHOT" releases with the
real official thing.  (Perhaps especially if users just copy the
relevant jars out of the repository and then leave Maven behind.) This
can result in unnecessary support questions from users as they
(unwittingly) complain about bugs in unreleased code, and can
complicated support diagnostics as the person providing support may
believe that the end-user has version 1.4, when they really have a
developer snapshot of 1.4, never intended for release.

With that said, I think most closed-source software development
organizations don't have anywhere near as much fear of end-users
grabbing under-development code and calling for support, since those
binaries are typically kept a secret; in that case, the advantage of
adding a "SNAPSHOT" marker may be outweighed by the disadvantage of
requiring special changes right before release.

Now that I've faxed in my ICLA, [heh] one of the goals I want to pursue
as a Maven developer is to make the Maven release workflow support
organizations that would want to work without ever using "SNAPSHOT": to
make that "stage" step a workable healthy period in a product's
lifecycle that software companies could spend most of their time in.
Specifically, I think that's how we'd want to maintain things at the
place where I work, and that's how most closed-source ISVs should want
to maintain their software.

This shouldn't make it any harder to do open-source Maven releases; the fact that you *could* spend months or even years in step D doesn't mean
that *we* should do so, or that we will.  But I think a lot of users
will benefit from a richer "staging" period, so it's worth putting in
time and energy to make it really robust, IMO.

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