On 19 Dec 06, at 10:38 AM 19 Dec 06, John Casey wrote:

On 12/19/06, Jason van Zyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Maybe some SCM information, what system is being used and the "label"
instead of revision which is SVN specific and a link, if possible, to
that revision in the SCM. For SVN and CVS this is easy with ViewCVS.

IMO, it needs to be more than a label. Labels can be moved in most SCM
systems, which makes this label a floating point. While it would definitely be good to have the label in there somewhere, it also makes a lot of sense to me to have specific revisions (SVN name; versions in CVS, not sure what nomenclature is for other systems...) that identifies exactly which version
of each souce file is included in the binary.

Yah, by "label" I mean something like the revision in SVN which is exact.


Otherwise, very impressive!


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