On 3/16/07, Brian E. Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>i don't follow you here, the problem is when 2.0.5 builds get some
>"by default" (they don't override it). Those builds would get another
version in 2.0.6

I think it simply boils down to what Patrick  wrote:

"For existing projects in which the workaround was not used, then I
would question two things:

- Does the project work as expected?
- Do they really care what version of D gets pulled in?

If they are not using the work around, it seems to me that the answer to
at least one of these would have to be 'No'.  And in this case, it
doesn't seem like altering the behavior matters much anyway."

one of the points of maven is to worry less about the build, so if i
get the dependency i need why should i care to add it explicitly? they
may not care about the version until they upgrade to 2.0.6 and it

it's not a matter on how it should work, I agree that the patch is
good, but not for changing behavior between 2.0.x releases.

Just think how are you going to handle questions from users, I feel
more natural ask for "are you using 2.0 or 2.1" than "2.0.5 or 2.0.6
or ..."

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