On 22 Mar 07, at 10:41 AM 22 Mar 07, Daniel Kulp wrote:

On Thursday 22 March 2007 10:28, Jason van Zyl wrote:
Sure, once I'm done with some 2.0.6 stuff I finish off Doxia stuff. I
might look at the Wagon permissions because it's becoming infinitely
irritating. I have several settings.xml files for testing various
things and, of course, the one I used didn't have the perm entries.
Geronimo keeps running into this over and over as well.


Seriously, we ended up putting a cron job on our internal repository that
every 15 minutes goes through and resets all the permissions to
something sane.   I got too fed up with developers not setting things
correctly.   I kind of decided it was easier to let them just do the
wrong thing and have a process that automatically fixes it.

I am thinking that we leave Wagon policy agnostic and I'll just push the change into Maven so that it pops in some sane defaults. These are the policies that we want for Maven deployment. Not everyone using Wagon may want this set by default but I think it's a sensible default for Maven deployments.


J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727    C: 508-380-7194

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