On 30 Mar 07, at 12:16 PM 30 Mar 07, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

Jason van Zyl a écrit :
On 30 Mar 07, at 10:33 AM 30 Mar 07, Brett Porter wrote:
Two problems have been found:

- the maven root POM contains '2.0.6-SNAPSHOT' as the maven.version, which will probably filter in incorrectly and hose any transitive dependencies. That'll need to be fixed.

That's fixed, I didn't notice because the release plugin must not be using the resolved model. I thought it did both in order to catch properties which are used in depMan.

What was the pb? which property?

The release plugin isn't smart enough to know that a property is being used a version. You can't use ${project.version} as that doesn't work because of a order of operations in the project builder. So you have to 1) make sure you use the fully resolved project and walk through dependencies and dependencyManagement to make sure there are no SNAPSHOTs. That would have caught the problem I had, and 2) You can to cycle through the properties to make sure there are no snapshots there. Looking for SNAPSHOTs there would probably work there. We have people working around things to have a single place to define versions, but you have to look for now and have a work around because I just released something with the plugin that's no reproducible.


I'll try to work on release plugin in few days and want to fix problems on properties.

- as pointed out on IRC earlier, the plexus container used in this release was not properly released - there are no source jars, nor SVN tag, which is a worry for reproducibility.

There we go:
https://dav.codehaus.org/repository/plexus/org/codehaus/plexus/ plexus-container-default/1.0-alpha-9-stable-1/
These are only deployment issues - can we get them corrected before sending it wild?

- Brett

On 27/03/2007, at 12:55 PM, Jason van Zyl wrote:


The roadmap is here:

http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa? reset=true&pid=10500&fixfor=13010

The tag is here:


Staging repository:


And the distros you are interested in are here:

http://people.apache.org/~jvanzyl/staging-repository/maven-2.0.6/ org/apache/maven/maven-core/2.0.6/



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