Here's how I see it in 2.1:

Command Line Invocation:
-No change. That is if a version is specified in the POM or Plugin
Management, use that. Else, use RELEASE. If a fully qualified plugin
name is used in place of the prefix, use that (ie

Pom binding:
-Same as dependencies. That is you may omit a version in your pom,
provided it is set in pluginManagement. If not, the build fails. I'm on
the fence if RELEASE should be allowed in place of a pinned version (but
still must me listed in the POM, can't be assumed). I'm leaning towards

In my corp builds, this is effectively what I do now. Anything used
anywhere in my poms is placed into pluginManagement. Any other plugin I
may use sporadically on the CLI, I just get what's out there. I don't
have any formal part of my build that requires any CLI invocation
anyway, it's all bound to the poms so a "mvn install" or "mvn deploy"
produces everything official. (including assemblies that use
assembly:attach on pom projects made for that purpose) This means that
anything not already set in pluginMgt is just for info like help:xxx

I don't see large plugin packages as being particularly usefull for this
problem. Just not assuming RELEASE in a pom binding should solve it.
Trying to coordinate plugin packages together will be a large effort and
people will probably just start listing individual numbers anyway as
soon as a plugin gets release. Not to mention the extra indirection
trying to figure out if package 2.0.6 contains Assembly 2.1 or

-----Original Message-----
From: John Casey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 12:55 PM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 2.1

Hi everyone,

I'd like to make sure we're all on the same page with the plugin
auto-version resolution stuff that we've been discussing lately (on the
assembly-plugin vote thread, for one thing). I think it's clear that we
cannot continue to allow Maven to resolve RELEASE or LATEST
meta-versions for plugins any more. I'd actually argue that this is bad
practice for ANY artifact that is to be resolved, including site skins,
etc. since it kills our ability to deprecate features.

I'd like to completely remove this from the DefaultPluginManager in
trunk, so we can start moving away from this practice immediately.

I guess this is an informal vote on the subject, but I wanted to get
everyone's opinions before I move on it, since it's a fairly important

Here's my +1.


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