On 24 Apr 07, at 7:42 PM 24 Apr 07, Brett Porter wrote:


I saw that Dennis, Jason, Kenney, Eric, Martin, Robert, and Arnaud B will all be at AC EU next week - is anyone else attending ApacheCon?

Eric and Kenney won't be joining us, but they will be at JavaOne. The Sonatype will be coming en masse to JavaOne and we're happy to organize something there, I'll send another email about it. I've secured some working space if we want it.

I think it would be good to get some time in front of a white board to go through a couple of the big issues while we have the opportunity for face time and to hack some things together. It sounds like the same opportunity will present itself at JavaOne too. Of course, we can discuss some in real time with people on IRC and bring any output back to the list so everyone gets a chance to participate.

What day/time would suit people?

We could throw up a quick calendar on Google that has free access and then we can see busy/free slots.

Maybe the following are appropriate for AC:
- anything more we can do for releases (polish up the staging stuff, incorporate RAT, ...?)
- plugin integration testing and unit testing
- roadmap discussion / highlighting other issues

Any other thoughts? Interest from the folks attending in anything in particular?

This is my rough list:

- [ ] Architectural Goals for Maven 2.1
    - [ ] Plugins
        - [ ] Refactor Plugin Manager
            - [ ] Removal of the Plugin Registry (done)
            - [ ] Load Plugin dependencies into a separate ClassRealm
        - [ ] Plugin Execution Environment: Ability to run any version
              of a plugin where an environment is created which
              contains all the requirements for a particular version of
              the Plugin API
            - [ ] Expressions: supporting old annotations and allowing
                  for new ones. The expression evaluator would become
                  part of the execution environment
    - [ ] Reporting
        - [ ] Report Execution Environment: Ability to run any version
              of a report where an environment is created which
              contains all the requirements for a particular version of
              the Report API
        - [ ] Decouple reporting from core
    - [ ] Artifact Resolution
        - [ ] Graph-based artifact resolution
        - [ ] Decouple from Maven's core
    - [ ] Decouple script-based Plugins from the core
    - [ ] Refactor Project Builder
        - [ ] Pluggable model readers
            - [ ] A new terse format that uses attributes
            - [ ] Allow mixin capabilities using an import directive
            - [ ] Automatic parent versioning
    - [ ] Execution Configuration
        - [ ] Remove Settings from the core and make it a user facing
            - [ ] The Embedder should be the only place Settings are
                  dealt with
            - [ ] Remove from the ProfileManager: profile information
                  can be used from the ExecutionRequest
            - [ ] Remove from the PluginLoader: the plugin groups can
                  come in from the ExecutionRequest
            - [ ] Remove from the ExecutionRequest
            - [ ] Remove from the Session
        - [ ] Have one configuration model for request
        - [ ] Have one configuration model for session: session takes
              the request in the constructor and delegates
    - [ ] Domain logging
    - [ ]
- [ ] Project/Community Issues
    - [ ] Surefire
    - [ ] Release Management
    - [ ] Repository Management
    - [ ] Documentation
    - [ ] Plugin Integration Testing
    - [ ] Integration Testing
    - [ ] Invoker/Verfier

I'm trying to sort out a way to go from OO to Wiki as I can't work anymore with OO. That's OmniOutliner not OpenOffice (which is a terrible piece of software).


- Brett

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