I still think a summary in the wiki is the best place to start. This will get lost amidst the noise.

Then I will go from there with a response.

Thanks for putting the material together though, a great start.


On 11 May 07, at 4:22 AM 11 May 07, Piotr Tabor wrote:

I will create this summer (as a Google Summer of Code participant - with
Jason van Zyl as a mentor)
a software system that will allow, during the build process of a
project, to automatically generate
diagrams of chosen aspects of the project.

I would like to start community discussion about the details -
to provide very useful tool. I know - the mail is very long,
but decisions  made now will be essential. So:
*please read and constructive comment*.

I would like to provide two components: a graphical editor and a Maven
'The Graphical Editor will offer live (WYSIWYG) preparation of a
graphical presentation of the project by setting such properties as:
     - Type and subset of data, we want to present,
     - What part of the data is to be presented,
- The method of presenting of each type of diagram nodes (that is, what attributes of the item will be displayed), and the general 'style'
of the presentation. I would like to provide UML-like design.
    - The general layout algorithm
- The positions of selected locked nodes – which we want to put in a
fixed area. All other nodes will be positioned automatically.
The schema of the diagram created by the editor will be saved to an XML
Additionally the editor may be used as a graphical browser (explorer) of
chosen aspects of the project. The editor will use the Prefuse library

The Maven Plug-in (maven-graph-plugin) – will be using the XML file
prepared by the Graphical Editor and the current state of project to
prepare images in various graphic formats (JPG, TIFF, PNG and others
supported by the Sun JAI library
(http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/desktop/media/jai/). The
plug-in will be able to prepare
the HTML <map> tag for the picture too (to create an active area on web page containing the image). The resulting file will be ready to use in
the next Maven phases by Doxia or other documenting tool.

The maven-graph-plugin will cope with changes in the project made after
generating the schema XML file.  This means that if an object from the
XML file is no longer exists in the project, it won't be visible in the
picture. It also means that if the object is new, it will be placed in
the picture (in a place calculated by the general layout strategy set in
the XML file).
Additionally the user will be warned about any discrepancies between the
expected and actual data and problems with finding space for a new
object. The diagram generation will not modify the XML file, but will
only try to interpret it for the current situation.

During Google Summer of Code time I wish I prepare two connectors
(possibilities to visualize an aspect of project):
- Dependencies diagram connector – to visualize the chosen project's
subset of the dependencies (internal or external, up to a configured
depth or/and included in a given scope). It will be also possible to
exclude some dependencies from the diagram.
    - Class diagram – to visualize the inheritance and composition
aspects of the class hierarchy. The information will be obtained by

Of course the mechanism of the connectors will be universal enough to
make the addition of a new aspect of a project as simple as possible.

    Why „Maven Diagram-Maker"?
            There are no good, free tools to prepare diagrams –
especially such that would automatically generate diagrams from the
source code and project descriptors. On the other hand, good and
up-to-date documentation is a very important part of software
development process – particularly in the Open Source world, where
documentation is critical to help many people work on projects. On the
other hand, nobody likes preparing documents and diagrams.
To make the matters worse, using standard one-time diagrammers helps only for a short period of time. In fast growing projects, the pictures
become obsolete very quickly. They start to mislead. Therefore I think
that adding possibility to generate actual up-to-date diagrams in the
build process is a very important idea – and Maven is the perfect
environment to do that.

    Java developers can nowadays use very good text documenting tools,
such a JavaDoc and Doxia, but the lack of methods to prepare and
incorporate actual visual information in the documents is a very serious
shortcoming of those tools.

Planned editor features

The Graphical Editor will help the user create and edit the
visualization schema XML file. The file will contain two types of
- The <dataSource> section will describe which data will be presented,
that is - how to acquire the information to present. The classes and
attributes of connectors, which will extract the data from the project,
will be given. No actual data will be stored in the XML file itself.

-The <view> section will describe how to present data. In details it
will contain:
        - Perspective (coordinates of the visible area in the picture)
or the information that the whole diagram has to fit into the picture.
        - Information about objects pinned (locked) to specified
positions of the picture. This is necessary because the layout
algorithms cannot cope with every situation – and in such a situation
help from the user is needed. The objects are identified by business
        - Selection of information from single node to be presented
        - Selection and parameters of the general layout strategy

"View" tag schema proposition (example):

<class>prefuse.action.layout.graph.ForceDirectedLayout<!--or other
layout class--></class>
                             <duration>1000</duration> <!-- how long
(how many iterations) the forces have to be simulated-->
                         <label x="10" y="15">Label1</label>
                         <label x="20" y="25">Label1</label>
                 <crop> <!--perspective ((coordinates of the visible
area in the picture))
if omited whole diagram has to fit into the
picture -->

The editor will be using a Prefuse library (http://prefuse.org/). In
particular, all strategies of automatic object positioning provided by
the library will be available for the user.

The only connection between Maven and the editor will be the data source
component (the connector). Out of the two connectors I wish to create
only one (the dependencies view) will be dependent on Maven, the other
(class hierarchy view) will be Maven-independent. Thus the editor may be
viewed as a universal tool to browse and explore all kinds of data
through the Prefuse library and to prepare visualization template files. This means the editor could be used in a wide variety of cases, provided
an appropriate connector is supplied.

Planned Maven graph plug-in features

The Maven-graph-plugin will be a tool to join the visualization XML file
created by the editor with current project data (or other information
described in <data> section) and as a result to collection of graphical
files in chosen formats (provided by Sun JIMI library:
http://java.sun.com/products/jimi). The result of the plug-in would be
also a HTML <map> tag – to support active links on the generated image.
Configuration of result file formats, sizes in pixels, file names and
destinations directory will be provided in the plug-in configuration.

    As I said in the summary, I would like to create two connectors:
    1) Providing data about project dependencies and allowing to limit
them. In implementation it will be very similar to the "dependencies"
task of    maven-help-plugin

Configuration proposition:

                <excludesTransitives>   <!-- Do not expand transitive
dependencies of the artifacts:-->

    2) Providing data about the class hierarchy in a configured
directory, *.jar or *.war file and allowing to limit them. The
information will be obtained from the classes by reflection.

Configuration proposition:
                      <!-- ... -->

I have chosen these two aspects because all the information we need is
already present in the current Maven project structure, and at the same
time these two views should prove very useful. Moreover they are very
different in implementation, so they will force me to develop and create
a truly universal framework.

Piotr Tabor

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