On 25 Jun 07, at 3:01 PM 25 Jun 07, Jochen Wiedmann wrote:


I've got a Mojo, which implements the Contextualizable interface.
However, the contextualizable(Context) method is not invoked: When
running maven-2.0.7 in the debugger, I can watch that the
ContextualizePhase is executed, but the check "object instanceof
Contextualizable" fails.

Any ideas, what I am doing wrong?

You probably have the plexus double jar problem. We separated the API and implementation JARs and you're pulling in an old version of plexus which has everything and then plugin which must be pulling in the API jar. Because they come from different classloaders the instanceof fails and the method for the lifecycle phase is not executed. I'm trying to fix this. Make sure you're using the container used for 2.0.7 itself, so use -X and make sure you're not pulling in anything newer.



"Besides, manipulating elections is under penalty of law, resulting in
a preventative effect against manipulating elections.

The german government justifying the use of electronic voting machines
and obviously  believing that we don't need a police, because all
illegal actions are forbidden.


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Jason van Zyl
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