Brett Porter wrote:

On 03/07/2007, at 10:42 PM, Mark Hobson wrote:

Hi there,

I'd like to add the following to the Maven POM plugin management block:


Makes sense.


Would *everyone* want that? (having to debug into libraries isn't really ideal :)

Well, as the situation is now, you (we) often *have to* debug into libraries. Mostly plexus stuff, since a lot of calls seems to end up in some org.codehaus.plexus class.

I don't have all plexus code checked out an my machine, and I shouldn't need to, but even if I did, it isn't "connected" to my IDE. So getting from a call inside say a maven plugin to a class in plexus-utils takes way to much time, if this (downloading and connecting sources) isn't configured in the IDE integration.

It's quite time consuming to download. I wouldn't personally want it there for the idea plugin.

I actually started adding this locally a couple of days ago, and it's not that time consuming as it only downloads what is not already there.

- Brett

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