
I was looking into the problems with the GPG plugin when run from the 
release plugin and the problems seem to entirely be problems of the 
release plugin and Plexus utils.   They are showing up in the gpg 
plugin, but any plugin that tries to do anything interactively would 
most likely run into the same problems.  

1) - the release manager doesn't feed anything from 
into the forked process.  I tried adding to the 
CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine call, but that just causes a hang.   
CommandLineUtils will wait until the "in" stream is completely consumed 
(returns -1) before returning.   With, that never will happen.

2) Buffered(line style) out - the StreamPumpers use 
BufferedInputStream.readLine() to pump from one stream to the other.   
This won't work.   Anything that does something (like the release plugin 
itself) that prompts and then waits for a response on the same line will 
appear to just "hang" as the prompt will never make it to the screen.

Basically, those two issues completely prevent us from being able to 
un-hard code GPG passphrases from build scripts and such.   (unless you 
set gpg.useagent to true and use an agent)

In anycase, MGPG-9 is really a release plugin bug although part of it is 
due to plexus-utils not providing the support it would need to work 
properly.    Most likely, we'll need to add a method in CommandLineUtils 
that would just take the raw streams (in/out/err) and do straight byte 
copy reads without the line buffering.  (and once the process 
completely, stop pumping the in stream)   (of course, that would then 
require another plexus-utils release and then the release plugin would 
only work with Maven 2.0.6+ with the utils shaded, but that may be 
minor)   I'll poke around more and see if I can come up with something.  


On Friday 06 July 2007 10:25, Mark Hobson wrote:
> Hi,
> There's only one remaining issue, MRELEASE-83, scheduled for
> 2.0-beta-7 - is anyone likely to work on this soon, or shall we defer
> it until beta-8?  I would like to see beta-7 released for the release
> POM fixes - they're rather unusable in beta-6.
> Cheers,
> Mark
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J. Daniel Kulp
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