The assembly plugin doesn't seem to obey a hard version that I am specifying in my POM as [1.2-alpha-9]. In addition I have this in the dependencyManagement section of Maven's parent POM and it still ignores it.

Right now I cannot get the assembly plugin to use the hard version I am specifying. So I took a look at the assembly plugin and noticed that it has it's own dependency resolver? And the question is why? There are problems enough with the dependency resolution but why are we adding insult to injury by adding yet another resolver which has to stay in sync with the main code?

I cannot easily tell whether it's a problem with resolution in general, or a result of the copy.

In my case I need the latest release of classworlds for anything to work with trunk and it won't give me what I ask for rendering the assembly plugin useless as I can't even plugin a chunk of ant in there to replace the JAR before it tries to archive it.



Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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