Hi Jason,

How would you implement the XWiki use case, namely the ability to add XAR file format support? Right now it's using an extension to:
1) define a lifecycle
2) define an Archiver format implementation


On Sep 4, 2007, at 11:34 AM, Jason van Zyl wrote:

After trying to chase down a problem with extensions it became very clear to me that we have mixed concerns with extensions and it just makes the core crappy.

The biggest offender are providers posing as extensions: wagon- webdav is not an extension, it is a dependency required by the deploy plugin. In the exact same way you would specify an SCM provider as dependency of the release plugin if you needed, say, ClearCase support. These are not general extensions they are specifically required by certain plugins and should be defined as such to scope their use. Dumping wagon-webdav into the core is not very bright considering it's use is limited to the deploy plugin.

People have also used extensions to make available certain resources like checkstyle rules. Are these also not dependencies of a given plugin?

Finally, the only things that in my opinion count as extensions are addition components that augment core functionality: artifact resolvers, version conflict resolvers, profile activator, project builders and the like. These should have an element like <coreExtensions/> or something like it. Look at the extensions element and it begs the questions and extension to what exactly.

For 2.1 I would like to use providers stated as dependencies which they are (easy to do in corporate builds), and the rest are core components. John has been working on some active collections, and I think they can be finished so that we could clarify how the system is augmented by 2.1-alpha-2.

Anyone have any problems with this clarification?



Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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