We fixed the regressions identified last week with the plugin tools and
reporting impl. The new 2.0.9 is staged at 




You'll notice that this one has an RC qualifier attached to it. Since
what I've actually been staging hasn't been for an official vote, it
makes more sense to have actual deterministic numbers on them instead of
continuously rolling back and forth between .10 and .9.


The other significant reason it has a qualifier is that I want to
solicit feedback from the users list without potentially getting
multiple versions out there called 2.0.9. My new mantra for the maven
release is "no more regressions". To that end, what I intend to do is
let the RC sit here for a day. If no one turns up anything new (it
should be good since this is really attempt #3), then I'll email the
user list to solicit feedback. Naturally we'll probably get a slew of
"can you fix xyz" but the only thing that we will consider at this point
would be a regression from 2.0.8 to the current RC. If something is
identified then we should consider fixing it and re-releasing RC4. I
think that having the users more involved in testing the RCs is the only
way to really identify and eliminate regressions. If someone identifies
a regression after the fact and didn't speak up or try it, well that's
unfortunate but it'll have to wait.


The RC can sit with the users for 3 days. If nothing turns up, then I'll
restage with a final release tag and we can do a formal vote. Assuming
this is all successful, then I'll document a more formal Core release
procedure that we can follow going forward.


Here's the list of issues fixed in the latest RC:


Release Notes - Maven 2 - Version 2.0.9



** Bug

    * [MNG-1412] - dependency sorting in classpath

    * [MNG-1914] - Wrong url in error message when using a mirror

    * [MNG-2123] - NullPointerException when a dependency uses version
range and another uses an actual version incompatible with that range

    * [MNG-2145] - Plugins' dependencies are not always checked

    * [MNG-2178] - incorrect M2_HOME guess in mvn.bat

    * [MNG-2234] - activeProfile in ~/.m2/settings.xml is ignored when
profiles section is missing or empty

    * [MNG-2339] - ${project.*} are interpreted in the wrong place

    * [MNG-2744] - checksum comparison should be case-insensitive

    * [MNG-2809] - Can't activate a profile by checking for the presence
of a file in ${user.home}

    * [MNG-2848] - Environment variables in profile activation not

    * [MNG-2861] - NullPointerException in DefaultArtifactCollector for
relocated resolvedArtifacts with different version ranges and available

    * [MNG-2925] - NullPointerException in PluginDescriptor.getMojo() if
there's no mojo in pom.xml

    * [MNG-2928] - Null pointer exeception when introducing version
range [major.minor.build-SNAPSHOT,)

    * [MNG-2972] - Ignores version of plugin dependency specified in my

    * [MNG-3086] - NullPointerException in

    * [MNG-3099] - Profiles ignored when working with non-projects (such
as archetype:create)

    * [MNG-3111] - Classpath order incorrect

    * [MNG-3156] - NullPointerException with mvn dependency:sources

    * [MNG-3221] - Infinite loop in DefaultLifecycleExecutor

    * [MNG-3259] - Regression: Maven drops dependencies in multi-module

    * [MNG-3286] - execution.inherited field is ignored

    * [MNG-3288] - Invalid systemPath allows build to continue--failing
in later phase.

    * [MNG-3296] - mvn.bat looses error code on windows NT type

    * [MNG-3310] - JAVACMD set incorrectly when JAVA_HOME is not set

    * [MNG-3316] - Barfs at attribues named .*encoding

    * [MNG-3354] - mvn.bat incorrectly detects OS on Windows NT or XP
with Novell login

    * [MNG-3355] - CLONE -${pom.build.sourceDirectory} and
${pom.build.testSourceDirectory} no longer recognized

    * [MNG-3365] - Remove trailing-backslashes from M2_HOME in mvn.bat

    * [MNG-3394] - Plugin versions inherited via <pluginManagement>
cannot be overriden by <build>.<plugins> section of sub modules

    * [MNG-3396] - Managed versions dont affect over constrained ranges

    * [MNG-3400] - MavenProject is not extensible

    * [MNG-3405] - "Checking for updates from repository" logging should
not display if WagonManager is offline

    * [MNG-3410] - Managed versions in plugins are not considered when
using them

    * [MNG-3415] - Transfer errors cause junk metadata in the local repo

    * [MNG-3426] - regression : <dependency> in plugin configuration
doesn't override plugin classpath

    * [MNG-3430] - Toolchain doesn't match Toolchain extensions

    * [MNG-3431] - Pom Extensions not supported for Toolchains

    * [MNG-3439] - incorrect child dependency selected when parent is
not selected

    * [MNG-3441] - Maven should always retrieve metadata to be updated
from the deployment repository

    * [MNG-3460] - org.apache.maven.profiles.DefaultProfileManagerTest
fails if you use a different local repo

    * [MNG-3464] - maven-toolchains missing from final binary.. need to
update the assembly

    * [MNG-3473] - site generation with 2.0.9 and plugin:report (2.4
ONLY) is broken


** Improvement

    * [MNG-428] - Japanese message resource

    * [MNG-2881] - Improve logging when downloading snapshots in offline

    * [MNG-3119] - Duplicate attached artifacts should not be allowed.

    * [MNG-3279] - Support Exception Chaining for MojoFailureException

    * [MNG-3318] - ActiveProjectArtifact should have appropriate equals
and hashCode methods

    * [MNG-3331] - Normalize paths to sub modules

    * [MNG-3388] - DefaultPluginManager needs to catch LinkageError

    * [MNG-3395] - Default core plugin versions in the superpom.

    * [MNG-3442] - Add explicit resource bundle for English

    * [MNG-3461] - Mirrors should not apply to file:// repositories

    * [MNG-3467] - PatternSet needs a toString() method to properly
print in debug mode

    * [MNG-3468] - FileSet needs a toString() method to properly print
in debug mode

    * [MNG-3469] - Resource needs a toString() method to properly print
in debug mode


** New Feature

    * [MNG-2664] - Add native support for webdav


** Task

    * [MNG-2883] - Make sure that the network isn't used for snapshots
in offline mode when legacy repositories are used



** Wish

    * [MNG-1491] - Reactor should print out a message if it detects a
collision of artifact ids





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