>It essentially renders maven useless behind a corporate firewall
>proxying is applied globally in maven - and nonProxyHosts are not taken

>into account.

Someplace with a corporate firewall most likely needs a repo manager
anyway, which should handle this without blinking.

>Even by using a local mirror with proximity or archiva - there is still

>a need for proxy-support to reach external resources like findbugs
>etc - or the other way - to access local LAN resources - without going 
>through the corporate proxy.

It's not a good idea to have your build dependent on urls. For one, urls
have a funny way of changing over time. Second, it breaks offline use
and possibly outside the network building (pseudo-offline). A better way
to handle these rules is usually to stick them in a jar with assembly
and then add them to the plugin's classpath (I know checkstyle and pmd
can do this, I don't know about findbugs). The added benefit to this is
you have now versioned your rules with your source. Ever tried to build
an old codebase after the pmd rules have been tightened?

All that being said, I put in MNG-3512 for 2.0.10 to use the updated
wagon. We'll try to get the patch applied and wagon released soon so it
doesn't hold up the .10 release. I still suggest not relying on urls
strictly for portability reasons, but Maven should still attempt to do
the right thing.


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