I'm also interested if we can try to fix this one :
If we can validate it by reproducing it with another plugin we can
suppose that it i related to the core (I don't see how i can be a bug
in the plugin).
(I already had this bug but I didn't yet take the time to create a testcase)


On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 10:13 PM, Brian E. Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >It essentially renders maven useless behind a corporate firewall
>  because
>  >proxying is applied globally in maven - and nonProxyHosts are not taken
>  >into account.
>  Someplace with a corporate firewall most likely needs a repo manager
>  anyway, which should handle this without blinking.
>  >Even by using a local mirror with proximity or archiva - there is still
>  >a need for proxy-support to reach external resources like findbugs
>  rules
>  >etc - or the other way - to access local LAN resources - without going
>  >through the corporate proxy.
>  It's not a good idea to have your build dependent on urls. For one, urls
>  have a funny way of changing over time. Second, it breaks offline use
>  and possibly outside the network building (pseudo-offline). A better way
>  to handle these rules is usually to stick them in a jar with assembly
>  and then add them to the plugin's classpath (I know checkstyle and pmd
>  can do this, I don't know about findbugs). The added benefit to this is
>  you have now versioned your rules with your source. Ever tried to build
>  an old codebase after the pmd rules have been tightened?
>  All that being said, I put in MNG-3512 for 2.0.10 to use the updated
>  wagon. We'll try to get the patch applied and wagon released soon so it
>  doesn't hold up the .10 release. I still suggest not relying on urls
>  strictly for portability reasons, but Maven should still attempt to do
>  the right thing.
>  --Brian
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