At current stage flex-compiler-plugin look at all resources folder
(project.getBuild().getResources()) for configuration files.

Is possible too specify some relative path, such as
But this has a lot of problems,..


On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 12:09 PM, Brian E. Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I think there could be some value to making resource sharing a little
> easier out of the box. Naturally it won't fit all instances but those
> other instances can already be solved with assembly and or
> remote-resources
> We currently package up the site descriptor for a parent and that gets
> inherited by the children. I think we could leverage the
> remote-resources and do something similar. If you put files in the
> src/main/resources of a pom, we could automatically pick those up and
> deploy them as a resource bundle. Then in the children we could augment
> the resources model to specify to inherit the resources from the parents
> and the plugin could be smart enough to find them on the disk or from
> the repo.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Benjamin Bentmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2008 6:06 AM
> To: Maven Developers List
> Subject: Re: Inheriting resources
> Sebastien ARBOGAST wrote:
> > I would like to find a natural solution to share confirguration
> > files between two modules. [...]
> > For now, the only solution I've found is to duplicate those files in
> > src/main/resources for each module.
> > Brian suggested that I could put those files in a third module to
> package
> > them up using assembly, and then retrieve these in both modules that
> need
> > it. But it doesn't seem very natural to me.
> >
> > As a matter of fact, I don't think that this use case is very rare. I
> > mean,
> > there are situatiosn where you want to reuse icon graphics or
> > configuration
> > files in several modules. And it would be great if we could place
> those
> > resources in the parent module and have the submodules inherit
> resources
> > from their parent.
> >
> > What do you think? Would it be feasible? Would it be okay with best
> > practices promoted by Maven?
> I'm used to think of projects as independent build units. More
> precisely, I
> expect the following to work:
> - checkout an arbitrary project/module, i.e. not necessarily a whole
> trunk
> - run any build command on this checkout, it should succeed
> Now, if I checked out one of your sub-modules how should it inherit its
> resources from the parent which is not on my local disk? Maven can
> retrieve
> the POM and the site descriptor from the remote repo but anything else
> (like
> resources) from the parent project is not shared via the repo.
> For the above reason, you would need to package the resources up into a
> that can be deployed to the repos. Maybe your resources need filtering
> before their packaging and now you're quite there what is known as a
> "jar"
> packaging. That is just as Brian suggested, a separate module. And I
> believe
> this is right because sharing POM configuration and sharing resources
> seem
> two different aspects, hence separation of concerns.
> Finally note that project inheritance suffers from the same drawback as
> class inheritance in ordinary programming: What if you ever needed your
> resources in projects that do not inherit from a common parent? Shift it
> up
> the parent chain until you reach a common ancestor and pollute the
> resources
> for all children below? I would rather take the composition approach and
> package your resources into an independent project/JAR that other
> projects
> can put on their class path if needed.
> Just my two cents,
> Benjamin
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