On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 4:49 PM, Brian E. Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Both are still early and I'm sure there will be support for these
>  things, especially if they are filed as requests. I'm not saying that
>  the current eclipse plugin isn't still useful now, I just personally see
>  it being less popular over time. I know that I used to live or die by
>  the m-e-p, but once the new m2e came out, I haven't used it once.

Personnally I also don't want to be the Last of the Mohicans one more
time. I already made the effort to maintain and finalize maven 1.1 and
I don't want to begin another time.
I'm sure that these plugins will add all our features but I don't know
when. It's always the same problem with OSS projects. If it is in 6
month I can wait. If it is in 1 or 2 years :-(
Another possibility is that I join the team of one of these plugins to
try to have these features but I have to learn everything about
eclipse plugins developments :-(
Actually I like Q4E (I find the integration in eclipse better) but I
can't propose it for complex projects at works which are using
myeclipse, rad6.

>  Either way, I might suggest embarking on this rewrite on a separate
>  branch from the current m-e-p code so that you can still maintain the
>  old one for a bit.

yes, I planned to create a 3.X branch.
I have some issues to fix on 2.5.1 ...


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