Flex / Flex builder

I created a flexbuilder-mojo, who inherit from maven-eclipse-plugin

If this goes on, I can create flexbuilder extension.


On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Simone Gianni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Nicolas,
> yes, many Maven plugins have an Eclipse counterpart, and having the
> eclipse plugin discover this plugins and delegate to them the generation
> of eclipse specific configurations is a great idea. I don't know the
> internals of the Eclipse plugin well enough to understand the details of
> your proposal, but it sounds very interesting. Any comment from the
> Maven community?
> Just to name a few, these are the technologies that i use extensively
> and have both maven and eclipse support that could be harmonized:
> - Obviously the java compiler itself :)
> - The Maven eclipse plugin
> - AspectJ
> - Hibernate
> - Spring
> - Jetty (would it be possible to make some generation of configurations
> for Eclipse WST?)
> - Emma, Clover
> - FindBugs
> Which else?
> Simone
> nicolas de loof wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'd like to propose an extension mecanism for the Eclipse plugin (and
> > potentially for other plugins).
> >
> > The sysdeo-tomcat-maven-plugin (mojo project) for example has
> copie/pasted
> > the dependency resolution code from eclipse plugin. This was required to
> > create the .tomcatPlugin configuration file.
> > If this plugin code could execute *inside* the eclipse plugin as an
> > EclipseWriter it could benefict from the original code, and also from
> plugin
> > updates.
> >
> > I propose to add a new extensibility feature in the eclipse plugin. Using
> a
> > new parameter, or maybe by searching some "extension" file in the plugin
> > classpath, the eclipse plugin could setup a list of external
> EclipseWriters
> > to run.
> >
> > sample configuration :
> >
> > <plugin>
> >      <artifactId>maven-eclipse-plugin</artifactId>
> >      <configuration>
> > ...
> >          <extensions>
> >              <extension>
> >                  <id>sysdeo-tomcat</id>  <!-- matches some META-INF
> > metadatas in sysdeo-tomcat-maven-plugin.jar -->
> >                  <configuration>
> >                       <!-- extension dependent configuration -->
> >                  </configuration>
> >              <extension>
> >          <extensions>
> >      </configuration>
> >
> >      <dependencies>
> >          <dependency>
> >               <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
> >               <artifactId>sysdeo-tomcat-maven-plugin</artifactId>
> >               <version>x</version>
> >          </dependency>
> >      </dependencies>
> >
> > </plugin>
> >
> >
> > Beeing added to the plugin classpath, the "plugin-extension" could add
> it's
> > EclipseWriters, and maybe other optional components (to setup
> ProjectNatures
> > ?).
> >
> > Many other extensions could be added this way to the eclipse plugin :
> > generate SpringIDE configuration, setup Checkstyle in sync with the
> > maven-checkstyle configuration, etc.
> >
> > Another benefict is that the "extension" could benefict from the forked
> > generate-source execution that the eclipse-plugin runs, to access the
> list
> > of multi-project modules.
> >
> >
> > Any suggestion is welcome.
> >
> > Nicolas.
> >
> >
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