On 22-Sep-08, at 2:14 PM, Benjamin Bentmann wrote:

Brett Porter wrote:

I would prefer core-it-suite to core-its, but it's a small thing.

So we would have core-it-suite and core-it-support, looks nice IMHO and is still reasonably short (which is all I am interested in). So unless somebody objects, let's go for that ;-)

I additionally think the src/main/resources/* paths could be reduced to just the issue number (mng-1234), without the description of the problem (the description can be retained in Java test class).

+1 from me. However, since this changes a naming scheme that was previously established by some reasoning I assume, I would like to get some more feedback on this particular change before I take actions in this direction.

I think much of the naming was haphazard in that a bunch of people start adding/changing things without talking to other people. So while you're taking a full pass through the system, you're doing the work and you have a flare for consistency (a complement) so if no one responds to your queries then do as you see fit.


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Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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 -- Unknown

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