It's not just about ignorig the ids. What about the distmgt info that would be needed to deploy... Or filtering or processing of it? I think it's just better to keep processing of the Nixon separate.

--Brian (mobile)

On Dec 18, 2008, at 10:15 AM, Ralph Goers <> wrote:

On Dec 18, 2008, at 6:17 AM, Brian E. Fox wrote:

I mentioned an idea in my review that seems to have been overlooked. I think a regular .pom in the repository shouldn't be able to be used as a "mixin". We should keep inheritance and mixins separate. The way I would do it is with a new packaging type of mixin that would take another xml
file like mixin.xml and deploy that to the repository, similar to a
classified artifact. You have the mixin's pom and then the mixin itself. Only the mixin file can be used for inclusion in a <mixin> element. This
way the mixin can be abstract and only contain the appropriate
fragments, yet have a separate pom with all the info needed to build and
deploy said mixin to a remote repository. Mixins are useless if they
can't be put into a repo.

No, this wasn't overlooked. I hadn't thought of just using a new packaging type. I was thinking of a different file extension but using a new packaging type makes much more sense. However, I'm not sure having a separate file is really necessary. Just requiring the mixin to have a version, artifactId and groupId and having those be ignored when injecting the mixin should be suficient. And having the packaging type of mixin would also prevent the pom from being used in any other way - unless, of course, we want to allow mixins to be able to have a parent mixin.

anyone wanna play a drinking game on the thread for each mixin mention?

No thanks. Too early in the morning :-)


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