2) On a more serious note: this is EXACTLY the issue.   Jason is no more
special than I am or anyone else on the Maven PMC.   That is why there is a
centralized storage for the repo.   Anyone on the PMC (actually, any
committer) MUST have access to entire repo for the project and be able to do
the releases or whatever.   One persons copy cannot be any more "special" than
anyone elses.   We don't allow the "benevolent dictator" role around here.

Agreed. I think it's a misconception that because some projects run fully distributed with Git, that all must do so. I envision that there would be an official git repo(s) that all Maven committers have privs to push into. These repos would be the only source for official Apache Maven releases. Everything else is just some working copy that isn't yet official. In this way, i don't personally see what all the hub-ub is about using dscm being imcompatible with ASF.

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