Yes I agree. Only the canonical code can be used to produce official maven builds and those tags are pushed back to the master. No different really than what happens today.

On 4/24/2009 4:53 PM, John Casey wrote:
There is one very important issue with dscm:

To be in line with our goals for Maven in general - especially reproducibility - the tag created from a release MUST be available for others to grab and rebuild from. This means that a git push is absolutely necessary to finish off the release process, but it also sort of implies that these release tags need to be collected a canonical repository that is controlled by the project devs, and definitely not just a particular [subset] of the project devs.

If at all possible, it should not be an option to do a release of Maven to the public unless you can change the project name, artifact/group ID, etc. This ties into use of trademarks issues (name) and maven repository indexing (to make sure one release doesn't conflict with another when there's no shared, recent code pedigree).

IMO, we need to make sure we will always be able to reproduce any tagged build, and we need to remember that just because people _can_ rebase/resync their local repo clone doesn't mean they _have to_. Code in different repo clones could diverge pretty wildly. In particular, I'm thinking about Don Brown's maven builds, only magnified.

Just some thoughts.


Brian Fox wrote:

2) On a more serious note: this is EXACTLY the issue. Jason is no more special than I am or anyone else on the Maven PMC. That is why there is a
centralized storage for the repo.   Anyone on the PMC (actually, any
committer) MUST have access to entire repo for the project and be able to do the releases or whatever. One persons copy cannot be any more "special" than anyone elses. We don't allow the "benevolent dictator" role around here.

Agreed. I think it's a misconception that because some projects run fully distributed with Git, that all must do so. I envision that there would be an official git repo(s) that all Maven committers have privs to push into. These repos would be the only source for official Apache Maven releases. Everything else is just some working copy that isn't yet official. In this way, i don't personally see what all the hub-ub is about using dscm being imcompatible with ASF.

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