This would be because of the recent addition of log4j, which is now shaded into the Maven binary (bundled with a changed package structure to keep it out of the way of plugins' own log4j dependencies). httpclient is using log4j because it's available, but log4j doesn't have a configuration included...resulting in this error.

I suppose one easy fix would be to again retract this vote in order to add a log4j config file. I'm really not inclined to do this, unless others have stronger feelings about it. I'm not sure what impact this will have on debug output coming from the http wagon (where httpclient is used), but unless it's completely hiding all output I'd say we should fix it in 2.2.1.

What do others think?


Christian Schulte wrote:
John Casey schrieb:

I'm opening a new vote for Maven 2.2.0 after closing:

All URLs below have been updated where appropriate.


This version displays

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.

on every first repository access in a maven run (mvn -U for example will
produce that message). Is this intended behaviour ?

Building continuum-1.3.x with maven 2.2 worked so far.

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