As far as the JBoss stuff in central, we've been trying to get automatic synching going between repositories for a while. The artifacts that are there now were uploaded manually. The synching will probably happen someday, but is undergoing a long painful migration process and the repository stuff has been low priority for the people working on it.

One issue that will need to be resolved before we can sync, is how to handle our rebuilt thirdparty jars. For example, if a jboss project needs to patch some thirdparty jar, rebuild it, and upload it to our repository, then we run into a problem with synching. We can't publish this jar to central because we are not the owner of the project, and we can't publish our own projects because they depend on a jar that's only in our repository.

Stephen Connolly wrote:
AFAIK, <repository> and <pluginRepository> entries are banned from
artifacts published to central (unless they are for snapshots only, or
unless they are in an inactive by default profile)

I do not think anything is enforcing this ban though.

I would agree with this policy.  Having <repository> or
<pluginRepository> definitions in a pom.xml can have a massive
performance impact... as eery artifact then gets checked in these
extra repositories.

The biggest issues I see are that two big java companies are very poor
at pushing artifacts to central...

1. This company called "Sun" are very poor when it comes to pushing
artifacts to central, preferring to keep all their artifacts in a repo
that has *both* snapshots and non-snapshots... EEK!!!

2. This other company called "RedHat" have a subsidiary called "JBoss"
that maintain their own repository with a whole pile of really useful
artifacts as well as a pile of stuff from central.

If you happen to know somebody in either of these companies, I would
suggest applying some pressure to maintain artifacts in central ;-)

I also think that somebody needs to put in place a means of policing
the (perhaps informal) rules about artifacts in central or we will
have much bigger problems going forward.


2009/7/8 Paul Gier <>:
Hi Everyone

I recently found out that the buildhelper-maven-plugin has a transitive
dependency not located in the central maven repository (MOJO-1401).  This
causes problems with a strict repository setup (using mirror settings, etc).
 But most users probably don't notice this because the dependency introduces
the needed repository into builds through the repo listed in the
dependency's POM.

Is there a policy or guideline that any artifacts in central should have all
their dependencies available in central?  Is there any way to enforce this?

This is also related to the issue of dependencies being able to introduce
repositories into the build (MNG-3056).  Will this be fixed in 3.0?

In my opinion, the repositories section should be removed from the POM
completely.  I realize this causes a useability problem in that you have to
configure all repositories in settings.xml before building the project.
 Maybe we can allow a project specific settings.xml located in the same
directory as the POM that could be checked into svn and allow project
specific settings.


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