On 26-Jul-09, at 11:49 AM, Dennis Lundberg wrote:

Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 25-Jul-09, at 11:36 AM, Brett Porter wrote:

On 26/07/2009, at 1:08 AM, Brian Fox wrote:

Yep, it needs to be closed.

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 7:53 AM, Benjamin
Bentmann<benjamin.bentm...@udo.edu> wrote:
Jason van Zyl wrote:

It's there if you go to the UI, something appears to be wrong with the

The repo isn't closed, that could explain why it doesn't show up in
via the URL.

How did the other voters test it? The only way I could get it was by
downloading via search, not as a remote repo.

Also, there doesn't seem to be a source tarball deployed along with it.

I used the same parent as the jarsigner plugin which does appear to have
the source archive. I just assumed the -source now contained the
self-building requirement. Using the same parent and not getting the
same output I'll look into tomorrow.

The "-sources.jar" file is the same one that we have had for quite a
while. It is not a valid ASF source release, as per the recent
discussions. See one of the recent releases I have done for a template
for a plugin release, that includes an ASF compliant source release.


Yup, I see that looking at what it produced. Not sure if it's in flux but the format of what came out in the Jar Signer Plugin and what Vincent just released for the Javadoc Plugin seems to be different though the same version of the parent appears to have been used. Not sure what happened there as the only difference I see is the JarSigner Plugin has no relative path to the parent POM while Javadoc Plugin does. I'll figure out what happened and restage.


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Jason van Zyl
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Dennis Lundberg

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Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven

We all have problems. How we deal with them is a measure of our worth.

 -- Unknown

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