Yes, these things tend to degrade. Please stay on topic.

This can be another discussion but I separated and layered the local repository implementation some time ago to allow for:

1) snapshot only local repositories
2) per project local repositories

And there are still fundamental issues with the artifact resolution system in general which prevent fully atomic operations. The work on the Jetty client address many of these issues, and Oleg also has made attempts in Mercury. Don't worry I've been thinking about it for the last year and bits have gone into the core to address that. Look the delegating local repository implementation in trunk if you're interested. At any here I would stick to the repository in POMs issue. How the local repository works and atomic operations is a whole other issue.

On 2009-10-30, at 4:01 AM, Benjamin Bentmann wrote:

Mark Struberg wrote:

But in my local repo, all the artifacts from those repositories gets merged to a single big landfill.

That seems to be a completely independent issue, isn't it? The question I originally raised was about what repositories ought to be considered during dependency resolution, not where we should store the local artifacts/metadata retrieved from them.

So please consider to move this part of the discussion off into another thread, keeping this thread focused on its actual topic and thereby easing review of the thread.


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Jason van Zyl
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