As I understand it, 3.0 now consists of significant refactoring of the 
internals but no major changes externally. I originally expected 3.0 would have 
some impact on the pom schema but I don't think even that has occurred. Given 
all this is 3.0 really the appropriate version number?  I usually associate a 
change to the major release number with something that will significantly 
impact the customer.  I understand that all of this stuff is foundationally 
necessary to make some of these changes but it would seem more appropriate for 
this to be 2.5 and go to 3.0 when something significant is added that an end 
user will notice.


On Dec 28, 2009, at 9:12 PM, Jason van Zyl wrote:

> On 2009-12-28, at 10:34 PM, Brett Porter wrote:
>> On 29/12/2009, at 1:39 PM, Brian Fox wrote:
>>> Is there anything pressing that calls for a 2.2.2? The 3.0's are
>>> moving along and are quite usable.
>> I was just thinking of shipping the existing fixes and anything obvious or 
>> regressed in 2.2.1.
>> On 29/12/2009, at 1:44 PM, Jason van Zyl wrote:
>>> I think that the 3.x code is far enough along that if anyone is going to do 
>>> any work I think that enough work has been done in 3.x to stop working on 
>>> 2.x.
>>> So much has been fixed, tested and tuned that at this point after using 3.x 
>>> for a long time and with the tests that are in place that I'd really like 
>>> to flatten all the 2.x versions in JIRA and toss them into the 3.x bucket. 
>>> Then scour the issues and just throw out anything that remotely looks like 
>>> garbage, close things out and get people to test against 3.x and try and 
>>> get the issue count down to the nuggets that are really going to be new 
>>> features or are really bugs.
>> Might as well, that's realistically the situation anyway. Nobody is going to 
>> do major work on 2.x faced with uncertain prospects in porting it over to 
>> 3.x. Keep anything purely specific to 2.x in the 2.2.x bucket and move 
>> bigger stuff out. 
> There's not really much to port really at this point. The ITs can always be 
> improved but there is a pretty rock solid set of tests there.
>> But we have to be 100% focused on shipping 3.0 if that's the case. You can't 
>> put an end to 2.2.x when there's no end in sight to 3.0.
> I am not interested in 2.x, but that's why I asked if anyone else was 
> interested in working on it. I'm not putting an end to 2.x, I'm just not 
> going to work on it anymore.
>> JIRA needs to reflect exactly what needs to be done for 3.0-alphas, betas 
>> and final so we can start counting down. It's fair enough to not specify a 
>> date, but at least the target needs to be in sight to get anyone inclined to 
>> help with polishing work.
> It's primarily testing work that needs to be done. The site plugin is 
> probably the only hole that needs to be filled as that one will affect a lot 
> of users.
>> For example, where are the issues that reflect switching to Guice and OSGi 
>> that we keep hearing about?
> Neither of those are going to happen in the 3.0 time line. We've got Nexus 
> running on Guice (with a Plexus shim) now and we need to run that through the 
> grinder for a while. When that works we can take a look at Maven. Nexus uses 
> almost everything in Plexus that Maven does and we've not had to change any 
> of code. The Plexus shim adapts everything necessary. But we'll have to add 
> to the shim to account for some Maven particulars because all the old code 
> has to work. This is not a small job, but we've got to get Maven off Plexus 
> pronto. We are not attempting to do the Guice + OSGi in one shot in Nexus and 
> we shouldn't attempt this with Maven in one shot either. Stuart could 
> probably get Maven working with Guice for 3.0 but I think that would be 
> pushing it. So I think it best to take Guice out of the 3.0 deliverable.
> The OSGi runtime will likely follow what we're doing in Nexus. After getting 
> Guice working as a replacement for Plexus we will attempt to get Nexus 
> running on Guice + Peaberry for OSGi and then we'll run that through the 
> grinder as well. We don't know how long that will take, the Guice stuff is 
> working now but the OSGi is a whole other story. A repository of bundles 
> doesn't really exist (we're trying to fix that with and 
> all the dependencies would need to be bundle-ized. So we're trying to add a 
> feature to Nexus to turn any JAR into a bundle on the fly. This is fraught 
> with problems. So I can say pretty definitively no Guice or OSGi for 3.0, but 
> can easily happen in a 3.1. Ultimately to users they shouldn't notice 
> anything, and that's just a lot of testing.
> There is plenty to do with 3.0 without Guice and OSGi.
>> I just added one for slf4j that you mentioned. What other things are planned 
>> that are not in there so we can drive towards a goal?
> I think we're done to be honest. If JIRA could be trimmed down, by clearing 
> out the silliness, and starting to validate that issues marks as bugs have 
> been fixed in 3.x then that will get us most of the way there. For what 
> remains trying to bug fix and write ITs is really the only thing left I 
> really want to tackle. If crap pops up that we need to fix for m2eclipse I 
> would probably sneak in but otherwise testing and validation is largely what 
> remains.
> Using SLF4J as the API will really amount to working over time at injecting a 
> logger with the SLF4J API instead of the Plexus API one. At very least maybe 
> we can cleanup the Plexus SLF4J stuff so that if we do provide a way to 
> configure the logging using standard SLF4J stuff it won't change when we 
> change the API internally. We are doing a lot of logging and tracing work in 
> Nexus and M2Eclipse right now so some of this might fall out of that and go 
> back into Maven but if someone else wants to tackle that it would be cool.
>> I'd also avoid planning 3.1 alphas at this stage. Focus on getting 3.0 out, 
>> and everything else that is after 3.0 can be up for grabs.
> There I'm only trying to collect things that we cannot change in 3.0. If I've 
> seen things like POM changes I've just been pushing it into 3.0.alpha1.
>>> There are ~650 issues and I think in four weeks with a little teamwork we 
>>> can probably drive that down to the 50 things we care about.
>> I'm happy to help clean up issues, sure. I make a small dent in it 
>> occasionally, but it tends to sap any energy before starting to do any 
>> actual work.
> I'll make another pass. I'm sure there are a ton of duplicates, and stuff 
> that's actually been fixed in 3.x. It really is just a lot of validation work 
> and writing ITs. Any works that needs to be done will really only be for 
> fixing compatibility issues at this point.
>> - Brett
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> Thanks,
> Jason
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> Jason van Zyl
> Founder,  Apache Maven
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