2010/12/13 Jörg Schaible <joerg.schai...@scalaris.com>

> Hi Benjamin,
> Benjamin Bentmann wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > as part of MNG-4893 [0] an inconsistency in the way a version string is
> > treated as a snapshot or release was detected. In short, the issue is
> > about what suffix exactly marks a snapshot version.
> >
> > The current intention is to revise the logic such that the suffix
> > "-SNAPSHOT" (note the leading hyphen) and not just "SNAPSHOT" is
> > required to denote a snapshot.
> >
> > This mail is meant as a heads up for users that unintentionally use
> > irregular SNAPSHOT versioning and allow them to adjust their builds. If
> > changing the builds to use "-SNAPSHOT" isn't possible, we would like to
> > hear the technical reasons for this.
> This would make us major headaches. We use SNAPSHOT only typically for
> parent POMs with a greater scope (e.g. company-wide) that are shared
> between
> multiple components/projects. It is simply not feasible if one project
> requires a release that all other projects and components suddenly have to
> adjust their POMs. It is an explicitly required behavior that the other
> ones
> use always the latest SNAPSHOT parent if they already use a SNAPSHOT
> version
> as parent. Otherwise the new SNAPSHOT parent is silently ignored and the
> other components build against a stale old SNAPSHOT version of that parent
> maybe for a long time.

Might be only me, but I'm having a hard time being sure I understand what
you explain.

Just a guess: wouldnt' you be confunding SNAPSHOT&RELEASE meta-versions and
the actual subject being debated here, which is the -SNAPSHOT or SNAPSHOT


Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS - http://batmat.net
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