
I'm Mohsen, a PhD student working with Prof. Ralph Johnson at the University of 
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Together with my team mates [1], we are 
conducting a research study to better understand how developers, across 
projects, interact with the Eclipse IDE for evolving and maintaining their 
code. We are 
extending this invitation to Java developers and would greatly appreciate and 
your participation and help in our research study.

To participate you should be at least 18 years old and use the Eclipse IDE for 
development. As a participant, we ask that you complete a short survey and 
our Eclipse plug-in called CodingSpectator [2].

CodingSpectator monitors programming interactions non-intrusively in the 
and periodically uploads it to a secure server at UIUC. To get a representative 
perspective of how you interact with Eclipse, we would appreciate if you could 
CodingSpectator for two months. Rest assured that we are taking the utmost 
measures to protect your privacy and confidentiality.

If you are interested, you may sign up at 
<http://codingspectator.cs.illinois.edu/ConsentForm>, which contains our 
form with all the details and procedures of our research study.

Your participation will help us greatly as we try to better understand how 
interact with their IDE's so we can propose improvements which fit better with 

Thanks in advance for your time! Please do not hesitate to contact me 
(mvaki...@illinois.edu) if you have any questions or comments. More information 
also be found at our FAQ [3]. Feel free to forward this invitation to anyone 
who might 
be interested in participating in this study.

Mohsen Vakilian
& the CodingSpectator team

[1] http://codingspectator.cs.illinois.edu/People
[2] http://codingspectator.cs.illinois.edu
[3] http://codingspectator.cs.illinois.edu/FAQ

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