See below

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 30, 2011, at 10:33 AM, Jason van Zyl <> wrote:

> On Jul 30, 2011, at 4:16 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:
>> See below.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 30, 2011, at 9:39 AM, Jason van Zyl <> wrote:
>>> On Jul 30, 2011, at 2:52 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:
>>>> The dual license makes a difference because if someone wants to make a 
>>>> change that Aether doesn't want it can easily be incorporated here since 
>>>> the original class could be taken and modified as necessary.
>>> Makes no difference. You could fork it at Github makes changes, deploy a 
>>> binary and consume it.
>> We have been told by the VP of legal we cannot do this.
> It can't be for legal reasons. They are telling you that you don't have the 
> right to take a codebase and fork it for which the license allows? For which 
> Apache 3rd party policies states you can consume as a binary? I'm not saying 
> you want to do this but I can't see how you're legally not entitled to do 
> this.

It is not for legal reasons. The policy is that we cannot fork software whose 
copyright owners do not wish us to do so.

>>> How are you stopped from doing anything with the code? Including actually 
>>> contributing to the project at Eclipse?
>> We are not. My assumption has always been that what has been discussed is 
>> wrt something that Aether wouldn't accept - a purely hypothetical situation 
>> right now.
> You probably couldn't care less what the main body of Aether does and there 
> are extension points which allow you to do pretty much anything you want. The 
> maven-aether-connector is a good example. 
>>> The only difference you site is being within ASF SVN or not. Nothing stops 
>>> you from forking the code and modifying it.
>> Are you saying you would be willing to provide a software grant to allow us 
>> to do so? That would change the situation dramatically.
> No, I'm not saying that. I believe in the EPL and the function it serves. You 
> don't have to agree with me but I ask you respect my choice. I don't think 
> this adversely affects anything with respect to Maven. The same counter to 
> the merit wall argument I'm willing to extend to anyone who wants it. If you 
> wanted to be listed as a committer you can be. Would that make you feel more 
> comfortable? Politics don't stand at Eclipse so there would be no way I could 
> do anything to force you out of the project once you were part of it, if that 
> concerned you. Mike would toss me out before he let me attempt to throw 
> someone else out. Then if you chose to implement anything nothing would stop 
> you. 
> Additionally, I'm sure at some point in the future if you pointed at some 
> harmful change in Aether the board would let you fork the project at Github 
> and absorb the binary you produced. There is already precedent for absorbing 
> EPL binaries so I can't see how that could legally be a problem.
>>> The changes would be in a public repository and thus you would satisfy the 
>>> requirements of the EPL for contributing back.
>>>> We'd have to figure out how to stitch those changes together, but from the 
>>>> guidance I got I don't believe this would be prohibited by the board.  
>>>> Without the dual licensing it would be much harder to create these sort of 
>>>> enhancements as the original class could only be used in binary form.
>>>> I don't believe anyone is concerned with Aether becoming "unusable" for 
>>>> Maven. My understanding of the concern is that interaction with the 
>>>> repository(ies) and artifact resolution are areas that people still feel 
>>>> has lots of room for improvement and don't want to go to a different 
>>>> community to do it.  The idea that one has to go outside of the Maven 
>>>> project to make changes to part of what many to be a core function is what 
>>>> is of concern.
>>> This is a theoretical concern because everyone seems to have found every 
>>> reason in the book not to help with the artifact resolution code for the 
>>> last how many years? Additionally, close to 100% of what anyone here in the 
>>> Maven project would be concerned with is in Maven SVN. The 
>>> maven-aether-provider is where it all happens, the rest of Aether has zero 
>>> dependencies on Maven and doesn't know what Maven is. So in practical terms 
>>> you'd probably never need anything in the Aether codebase but if you 
>>> happened not a soul can cite a single instance where Benjamin has not 
>>> answered someone almost instantaneously about any concerns or problems they 
>>> had with Aether.
>>>> Ralph
>>>> On Jul 30, 2011, at 10:31 AM, David Jencks wrote:
>>>>> I also was just about to point out that the legal discuss thread 
>>>>> indicated that (b) and (c) are equivalent violations of apache policy.
>>>>> Since jason/sonatype doesn't want this code at apache, and the board 
>>>>> doesn't want us forking it somewhere else to use it because 
>>>>> jason/sonatype doesn't want the code at apache, I don't see why the dual 
>>>>> licensing would make any difference.  We still can't bring the code here 
>>>>> or fork it anywhere else to use it inconsistently with the owners wishes. 
>>>>>  I think we either use it as-is, or don't use it at all.
>>>>> I'm not sure I understand the thinking behind the idea that sonatype will 
>>>>> make aether unusable for maven (isn't this the basic concern over using 
>>>>> aether?).  I don't see this as a plausible scenario.
>>>>> thanks
>>>>> david jencks
>>>>> On Jul 30, 2011, at 10:14 AM, Ralph Goers wrote:
>>>>>> The board made it pretty clear that option b is also highly discouraged 
>>>>>> so I wouldn't list that as an option.  The only viable path I see will 
>>>>>> be to ultimately include the EPL version of Aether and then replace it 
>>>>>> with our own code when someone decides there is something they want to 
>>>>>> do that requires it. A dual licensed version of Aether would probably 
>>>>>> insure a complete replacement is never necessary.
>>>>>> Ralph
>>>>>> On Jul 30, 2011, at 4:46 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:
>>>>>>> I'd like to to try to put a little oxygen into this thread now, given
>>>>>>> the rather clear results of the vote thread.
>>>>>>> Ralph posed the following question on Legal Discuss: 'Can the Maven
>>>>>>> PMC pull a dual-licensed version of AEther back into Apache without a
>>>>>>> grant from Sonatype?'
>>>>>>> The answer was, "legally yes, but it is counter to long-established
>>>>>>> policy, and strongly discouraged by a number of senior ASF people
>>>>>>> (including a board member or two)".
>>>>>>> So, the community has some choices. It seems to me that the viability
>>>>>>> of these different choices depends on the viability of walking away
>>>>>>> from AEther. In practical terms, the choices are:
>>>>>>> a) Use versions of AEther controlled by 'someone else'.
>>>>>>> b) Create our own 'someone else' at apache-extras or elsewhere.
>>>>>>> c) Go down the path of becoming an exception to the policy and take on
>>>>>>> reworking AEther from the last dual-licensed version.
>>>>>>> d) Start All Over Again from Maven 2.2.
>>>>>>> From the vote comments, it seemed to me that a plurality of people
>>>>>>> felt that EPL at Eclipse was tolerable. So that argues for sitting
>>>>>>> still for now. I offer only the observation that forking into
>>>>>>> apache-extras 'works' the same way today, or after the code appears in
>>>>>>> Eclipse. In other words, adopting what's out there today only makes
>>>>>>> choice (c) harder, it doesn't have any impact that I see on a, b, or
>>>>>>> d. However, a 'no' vote is a 'no' vote, so this is all just food for
>>>>>>> thought.
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>>> Thanks,
>>> Jason
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>> Jason van Zyl
>>> Founder,  Apache Maven
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>> What matters is not ideas, but the people who have them. Good people can 
>>> fix bad ideas, but good ideas can't save bad people. 
>>> -- Paul Graham
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> Thanks,
> Jason
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Jason van Zyl
> Founder,  Apache Maven
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> In short, man creates for himself a new religion of a rational
> and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.
>  -- Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society

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