It is sort-of possible to plug per-project dependency resolver and this
is more or less how Tycho works already (I can provide more details
about implementation, if you are interested). The problem is on the
consumer end. What dependency resolution logic you expect to apply if
standard maven project depends on an artifact built using custom
resolver? What if both projects use custom resolvers? So far, we did not
find an answer for just two resolution strategies (i.e. maven and
tycho/p2/osgi) and I am afraid a general solution for N resolvers
simply does not exist.


On 11-07-31 3:14 AM, Mark Derricutt wrote:
Hi all,

I wanted to start this discussion completely separate from any of the
other, rather heated ASL vs EPL discussions around Aether to try and
keep this more on topic.

For awhile we ( members of the Illegal Argument podcast ) have often
discussed a desire to have a pluggable dependency resolution
mechanism within Apache Maven, mostly around having the ability to
force maven to use the lowest bound in a range rather than the
highest for highlight fast-fail API breakages.

With the rise of these ASF/EPL threads I again thought of the
pluggable resolution idea.  For those with more of a code-centric
knowledge of the workings of Apache Maven, is it
possible/feasible/semi-cleanly-codeable to have an install, or even
project level selection of resolution of artifacts.

I imagine a difficulty in that this would have to occur early in the
bootstrap process of maven, but if this were the case, would we not
be able to work a solution to not only the Aether inclusion issues,
but also Kasun's Gentoo resolution issues.

This allows the end-user of Apache Maven (in the case that they care
about it) the ability to update artifact resolution code independent
of maven itself, or use a hardened/locked down resolution scheme
backed by portage - and portage only.

Apache Maven could stick with (for now) using Aether 1.11, the last
dual licensed release out of the box, where as the Gentoo ebuild
could configure maven to use its own ( an idea I see as flawed
personally ) and those who wish to use Aether, or a custom resolution
strategy could do so.



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