
On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 12:20 PM, Deepesh Garg <> wrote:

> I share your pain, but couldn't find anything close when it comes to
> installing java apps.

I don't think there is a standard for that, nor do I think it is required.
The shared library mechanism employed by Linux and other high quality
operating systems is a dying tradition, I think. It doesn't seem to fit for
general applications. The performance gains are minimal, and the chance for
having mismatched libraries requires far too much test and support time. It
isn't worth the headache when you can get a 1Tb drive in a notebook for <
100 USD; or when low end business laptops ship with quad core and


I prefer m-assembly-p creating an executable jar file with everything
embedded in it. Then the user simply has to java -jar the.jar.

Though I do mean maven repository when I say that local maven repository
> can double as the place to install dependencies for java application.

Maven repository in this form is user-specific, not system-specific. So, it
wouldn't really help all that much. Since each application would have its
own dependencies and versions thereof, it is unlikely that any space
savings would be had. Since, barring a global dependencyManagement-style
unifying force, all applications would have minutely different dependency
versions and you'd have to download everything anyway.

Anyhow, good luck.


There are 10 types of people in this world, those
that can read binary and those that can not.

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