MG>Elmar MG>If you believe maven-embedder lacks documentation on generating 
MG>perhaps you can gain insight into how archetypes are generated by want 
reading these URLS
MG>to get started on generating archetypes
MG>Take a Look at how to generate the parameters using in 
maven-archetype-plugin archetypeArtifactIdString-The archetype's artifactId. 
archetypeCatalogString-The archetype catalogs to use to build a list and let 
the user choose from. It is a comma separated list of catalogs. Catalogs use 
following schemes: •'file://...' witharchetype-catalog.xml automatically 
appended when pointing to a directory
•'http://...' or 'https://...' with archetype-catalog.xml appended
•'local' which is the shortcut for 'file://~/.m2/archetype-catalog.xml'
•'remote' which is the shortcut for Maven Central repository, ie 
•'internal' which is an internal catalog
Since 2.0-alpha-5, default value is no longerinternal,local but remote,local. 
If Maven Central repository catalog file is empty, internalcatalog is used 
Default value is: remote,local. 
archetypeGroupIdString-The archetype's groupId. 
archetypeRepositoryString-The archetype's repository. 
archetypeVersionString-The archetype's version. 
basedirFile-(no description) 
filterString2.1Applying some filter on displayed archetypes list: format 
isartifactId or groupId:artifactId. •org.apache: -> displays all archetypes 
which contain org.apache in groupId
•:jee or jee -> displays all archetypes which contain jee in artifactId
•org.apache:jee -> displays all archetypes which contain org.apache in groupId 
AND jee in artifactId 
goalsString-Additional goals to immediately run on the project created from the 
MG>If you want your user to have a user-selectable list specify catalog
MG>filter would be used to filter the presented archetypes , (jee or jdk come 
to mind)
MG>goals are another important aspect as each mojo can contain multiple actions 
MG>interactive would be a good idea to gain feedback from your client (but not 
if its called by embedder)I am attaching a sample archetype-catalog.xml for 
your perusal
MG>This sounds like quite an interesting project you are working on
MG>Please feel free to ping back for questions\comments and or advice Bedankt,
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 > From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Run maven commands from Java code
> Date: Mon, 13 May 2013 13:03:12 +0000
> Dear sir/madame,
> I'm Elmar Maan and I'm studying software engineering in Holland.
> I'm developing a desktop application, that can easily generate maven modules, 
> inside a Maven project.
> This will be a JavaFX application, so I need to call Maven commands from Java 
> code.
> This is what I've tried:
> First I tried to use the Maven library, which I found in the Maven central 
> repository. (org.apache.maven.archetype: archetype-common 2.2)
> I wanted to use the DefaultArchetypeManager the generate a project from an 
> archetype (generateProjectFromArchetype(ArchtypeRequest, request)
> This gave me a lot of nullpointer exceptions, because almost all the classes 
> that it uses are interfaces, which are never initialized.
> So after three days of struggling with the library, I had no results.
> Then I found the maven-embedder library.
> This library lets me run the maven command-line commands, like mvn 
> archetype:generate, and works just fine, but I think it's deprecated, because 
> there is no more information on the maven site.
> Also the library I used earlier has less or zero documentation or examples.
> My question is, What's the best way to call the maven archetype:generate 
> command, so I can generate archetypes from remote catalogs etc.
> Is there another library, or am i developing something that is not even 
> possible?
> Yours sincerely,
> Elmar Maan
> student
> e-mail:
> mobiel: +31 (0)652 290 928
> Info Support
> Kruisboog 42
> 3905 TG Veenendaal
> tel: +31 (0)318 55 20 20
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