If you want to discover how a house was built you need to talk to an Architect

The Architecture of maven is a loose Framework which constitute One of 3 
default Maven lifecycles
Each Maven lifecycle in turn consists of one or more phases which will allow 
multiple Modello architected plugins (spec v 4.0.0 of Modello) to be bound to 
that phase in order to execute the plugins goal for their Mojo class
In order for use to  provide further clarification we would need to know which 
tasks you wish to run

Martin Gainty 
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> Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2013 07:01:18 +0930
> Subject: Re: How Maven works - definitions
> From: baerr...@gmail.com
> To: dev@maven.apache.org
> On 8 July 2013 04:01, Mirko Friedenhagen <mfriedenha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > first of all, thanks for your replies. I think it would help very much
> > if an introductory would be at the plugin development page[1] to get
> > the big picture. Or even be repeated at the the run[2] page.
> >
> > Running Maven is trivial until you encounter problems or wish to
> > extend stuff. I deal a lot with supporting our department (roughly 200
> > developers, 150 of whom are using Maven) and I am always reiterating
> > explaining the basic glossary (phase, lifecycle, goal).
> >
> > While the "Complete reference" by Sonatype is great once you know the
> > basics, it is quite extensive and not every application developer
> > wants or needs to delve throught it :-)
> I will agree the documentation could be improved.
> I've also said in the past that one of Maven's problems is that it
> just works for most people.
> Compare that to Ant where before you can build a project you must read
> the README, configure your project settings file and then try to
> build, often trouble shooting by looking at the Ant website.  This
> means the average user of Ant has picked up more stuff because they
> are forced to.
> In Maven only the person who is modifying the poms generally acquires
> more in depth knowledge of Maven - including terminology.
> Which means when someone does need to work out what went wrong there
> is a steep learning curve because it was not amortized over time.
> Ideas on how to fix that are welcome.
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