
my point is mostly that while a lot of documentation is available, a
short summary of the base concepts is hidden in all of this pages.
Everything I wrote in my first email may be found in these pages, but
I feel it is somewhat hidden :-).
Regards Mirko

On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 5:30 PM, Martin Gainty <> wrote:
> If you want to discover how a house was built you need to talk to an Architect
> The Architecture of maven is a loose Framework which constitute One of 3 
> default Maven lifecycles
> Each Maven lifecycle in turn consists of one or more phases which will allow 
> multiple Modello architected plugins (spec v 4.0.0 of Modello) to be bound to 
> that phase in order to execute the plugins goal for their Mojo class
> In order for use to  provide further clarification we would need to know 
> which tasks you wish to run
> Martin Gainty
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>> Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2013 07:01:18 +0930
>> Subject: Re: How Maven works - definitions
>> From:
>> To:
>> On 8 July 2013 04:01, Mirko Friedenhagen <> wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > first of all, thanks for your replies. I think it would help very much
>> > if an introductory would be at the plugin development page[1] to get
>> > the big picture. Or even be repeated at the the run[2] page.
>> >
>> > Running Maven is trivial until you encounter problems or wish to
>> > extend stuff. I deal a lot with supporting our department (roughly 200
>> > developers, 150 of whom are using Maven) and I am always reiterating
>> > explaining the basic glossary (phase, lifecycle, goal).
>> >
>> > While the "Complete reference" by Sonatype is great once you know the
>> > basics, it is quite extensive and not every application developer
>> > wants or needs to delve throught it :-)
>> I will agree the documentation could be improved.
>> I've also said in the past that one of Maven's problems is that it
>> just works for most people.
>> Compare that to Ant where before you can build a project you must read
>> the README, configure your project settings file and then try to
>> build, often trouble shooting by looking at the Ant website.  This
>> means the average user of Ant has picked up more stuff because they
>> are forced to.
>> In Maven only the person who is modifying the poms generally acquires
>> more in depth knowledge of Maven - including terminology.
>> Which means when someone does need to work out what went wrong there
>> is a steep learning curve because it was not amortized over time.
>> Ideas on how to fix that are welcome.
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