On Monday, 7 October 2013, Manfred Moser wrote:

> > If I was choosing to write a technical book I would choose asciidoc.
> Agreed.. in fact asciidoc is the default markup tool at OReilly. I use it
> for all the books as Sonatype including Maven: The Complete Reference and
> Maven by Example..
> > AsciiDoc is the technically superior product that may well loose out to
> > the more popular markdown.
> Maybe, maybe not. Asciidoc has gotten a lot of traction recently with the
> jruby/jvm port asciidoctor written by a mixed team of github and jboss/red
> hat developers. It includes a very good Maven plugin that can be used for
> site creation.
> > For our content there will be virtually no difference between the two and

Or to emphasise the point I was making that may have been lost, we can
up-format trivially to asciidoc when the tooling catches up.

The downside of asciidoc is there is more syntax to remember, not tones
more, but still more than markdown

> > right now there are better editors for markdown (eg I like iaWriter on
> the
> > mac/iPhone/iPad) and GitHub has editor support for markdown (afaik it
> > supports rendering asciidoc but I don't think they have the same editor
> > support for asciidoc)
> Correct. Github supports rendering .. actually using asciidoctor.
> http://asciidoctor.org/

I am well familiar with those, I would maintain that until there are
*native* JavaScript (and Java but it's a lesser concern... JRuby is too
good) as opposed to auto- ported code... It will not get the uptake it

The auto-ported js lib (from ruby) is a good start, but a less platform
idiomatic API will see poorer adoption... Similarly for Java from the CLI,
starting JRuby is a performance hit... A smallish one, but a hit none the
less, and CLI tools need fast like we need oxygen

> >>From my PoV until there is a pure JavaScript implementation of an
> >> AsciiDoc parser/renderer it will not be able to win the war.
> There already is including a Chrome and Firefox plugins that can just
> render an asciidoc page in the browser. So you can basically just write
> your doc and refresh in the browser to see what it looks like. And you can
> combine it with livereload too..
> I am fine with using markdown as well, but personally and if we want to go
> further than just providing the HTML rendering for the site.. we should
> choose asciidoc imho.
> manfred
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