Just be patient, it is a huge commit.
All changes to the documentation of the whole(!) SCM site are committed at once.


Op Mon, 06 Jan 2014 22:23:59 +0100 schreef Dominik Bartholdi <d...@fortysix.ch>:

My next problem…
does any one have any idea?
Publishing the page always hangs here (more then 30 Minutes, actually never ends...):

mvn scm-publish:publish-scm -Dusername=imod -Dpassword=xxxxx
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Maven SCM 1.9
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-scm-publish-plugin:1.0-beta-2:publish-scm (default-cli) @ maven-scm ---
[WARNING] No output encoding, defaulting to UTF-8.
[INFO] Updating the pub tree from scm:svn:https://svn.apache.org/repos/infra/websites/production/maven/content/scm-archives/scm-LATEST ... [INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd /Users/domi/maven-sites/scm-archives/scm-LATEST && svn --username imod --password '*****' --no-auth-cache --non-interactive update /Users/domi/maven-sites/scm-archives/scm-LATEST
[INFO] Working directory: /Users/domi/maven-sites/scm-archives/scm-LATEST
[INFO] changeSets [ null
Updating '.':, 0
 null ]
[INFO] Updating content...
[INFO] Publish files: 0 addition(s), 1815 update(s), 0 delete(s)
[INFO] Checking in SCM...
[INFO] Checking in to the scm
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd /Users/domi/maven-sites/scm-archives/scm-LATEST && svn --username imod --password '*****' --no-auth-cache --non-interactive commit --file /var/folders/rz/649mxsf10xvc64sc078ll0nh0000gn/T/maven-scm-1622187473.commit
[INFO] Working directory: /Users/domi/maven-sites/scm-archives/scm-LATEST

On 06.01.2014, at 19:59, Dominik Bartholdi <d...@fortysix.ch> wrote:

Thanks, I was searching for it on the sonatype OSS Nexus - now I can see it!
Lets see how far I get now :)

On 06.01.2014, at 19:56, Benson Margulies <bimargul...@gmail.com> wrote:

Are you imod? If so, the repo is sitting there. I can close it for
you, but you should try logging in and closing it for yourself.

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